
a lot of these have dead links

resources - a page i made that has resources to everything i use

dreamcast - link to dc games

playstation 2 - link to ps2 games

kpop (old) - old version of the kpop page, though i forgot when it was

old list - back when the current layout was first recieved, i wanted to include everything i could and i used this

phone - scrapped album project i made a website for

home - at one point there was an entrance to this website, and this is the page it went to, very old

browser home page - i wanted to make my own home page for some reason

beowulf - school project

how to make a paper airplane - another school project

yeah - didnt have a cool thing of the month for march 2023 and this is what the source went to

MASTER - random account i found on a social media

what.png - forgot what this was for, something to do with cool fact of the month

comment.txt - used to be in the file for kpop.html