Hello :-) My name is Ruby!
This is my own little personal abode that I update frequently with my own web pages or blog updates!
If you're new here, please feel free to look around, there's a ton to explore.
Under this box are a list of pages I've made, and if you go down even further you can see what I like to call, the Cool Thing of The Month, which are little facts that I find to be cool. At the bottom, there's a list of the websites I use pretty actively.
In January 2001, SEGA compiled all the cutscenes and some gameplay into a movie! It was called Shenmue: The Movie! It was screened in several theaters, it also made a DVD and VHS release in December of the same year. There was also a VCD release in Taiwan, though the release date for that is unknown.
I hope you've enjoyed what you've seen. ♥