we're back

Posted on 07/08/2024

its been a while but i feel i should start writing blogs again, i think its a good exercise and all that jazz. and instead of writing long detailed posts im just gonna write until either my fingers or i get tired lol. i was looking at old blog posts back when i went under ruby and was on blogspot and i really loved writing all the details, i wish i had that spark again. itll come back to me in real time though. i think im gonna try a new layout for this page, i just updated the main page and i feel like every single page needs a new layout outside of the kpop pages. im talking new colors and everything too, it needs it, this layout is so old and the pixel font is starting to annoy me more than anything, but what font would i even use? ive been suing helvetica rounded on everything recently and its lovely, i love the way it looks and i might adapt it to the main page honestly. ive been playing a lot of gta 4 as of late and i like it a lot, one of my fav bits is being able to put in your own music and treat it like its own radio station, everytime i played gta5 on the ps4 i always had music playing and wished it was its own station with the interstitals as well as the ad breaks, so knowing i could do that made the game so much fun, that and the driving mechanics, driving in gta 4 is soooo fun, i much prefer it over5 to be honest. i REALLY love the independence radtio station, it feels like a dream come true for me from playing 5 for like 4 years and listening to spotify instead. i wish i could take the story mode seriously sometimes though, i downloaded a 100% save file and been playing that, i mostly like playing the games for exploration and the over the top stuff you can do, so ive been doing that. feels extremely peaceful. i need to get a better laptop lol, one i can use html and firefox on. ive been using a chromebook for mostly 90% of this website and its boring, i cant lie. i wanna get a good laptop for personal use (and one that doesnt crash all the time too lol) and lets me have more than what this chromebook currently offers. back to gta 4, i gotta admit, i dont really like the default visual settings. i know its apart of the game but its really distracting to me so i bumped everything to almost full and messed around with the graphics settings and im having a much much better experience, this game gives me more than gta 5 ever did with bowling. i love bowling so so much, one of my favorite sports ever, i remember the day after the jpegmafia concert i went bowling and it was such a great moment, whooped my dad in it. ah, i miss those days, but life moves forward. my main laptop os buzzing right now, its annoying me. it just randomly turns itself on just to blow the fans and im getting so tired of it but i love it so much so i dont do anything about it. that and i feel lazy. i dont really know if im gonna write about my days really anymore, id rather type stream of conscious stuff cause it feels the most freeing? i guess? i feel better just talking like this cause my mind can wonder all over the place, something that doesnt happen often anymore. writing stream of conscience also makes much more sense for me. life has been weird recently, not in a bad way though, i decided to clean up and do a bunch of chores yesterday and it felt great. i love doing chores, eases the mind. thats all i really have to say for right now, but i will be back to blog more, dont worry. also dropping the caps and grammar also feels more freeing.

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