i'll miss you... old place

posted during january 2024

it feels so weird... never being able to visit this place ever again... i guess its a sign that i should move on, but i don't think im ever going to let go. this place means so much to me in words i really can't express. ive been gone for a month but it feels like an eternity, its really hard to express what i want to say without it sounding awkward, but i have so many memories with this place that i don't think i would've made elsewhere. everytime i think about it i start crying, it's an era of my life ill never forget. ill never forget walking down the road to get to work, or the walks to school that started from here and that one street right by the middle and elementary schools. it all feels too crazy to me. this is where my life really started, and ill forever be grateful for the place. thank you for everything you've done for me, it cant ever be stated how much it really means to me.

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