The Search for the Elusive 20 Dollar Bill - Page 4

Now that you're in the taxi, your mind begins to race and you have no idea how you're gonna find it, but as soon as you find out, you arrive immediately at the club. That was quick… suspiciously quick… You ponder for a few seconds as it felt like you were only in it for a total of 30 seconds, but alas, you're reminded to pay the fee and to get out, as you happily oblige, or as happy as you can get for it being 4 am in the morning. You get out and look around, the first thing to catch your attention is the brick walls of the place, designed like any other bland building made during the 1960s and even earlier, covered in green thick vines, with leaves popping out of them, running up and down as the maintenance work for the place hasn't been done in ages, something akin to the scene in In The Mood For Love (2001) after one of the dates in the film. You slowly stumble around trying to find the line to the place when you discover that the line is gone, since everyone is inside, "it should be easy to get into then" crosses your mind as you go up to the bouncer, and it hits you, rats. You left your ID at home, so now you're gonna have to spend the next, who knows how long, dealing with the bouncer over ID. You could somehow find a way back to your apartment to go get it, but why would you do that? Feels unnecessary and a pointless waste of time. After haggling with the bouncer for a few minutes, he gets very fed up with you and lets you in. That's a bit strange, things are going easy for you tonight, but it's a bit questionable. Eh, it doesn't matter. You got in, now it's time to find that money.

Wow, look at you! You're in an wacky taxi. Just kidding! Hover over it to see it normally!
I don't know how the active function works properly.

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